Electrical Red Flags To Look For When Buying A Home
If you're in the market for a new home there are some things that you should watch out for, especially where electricity is concerned. So many people like to try the DIY approach to making repairs and the electrical components of a home are just one of these things DIYers are trying to tackle themselves. When looking for a new forever home for your family there are some red flags to look for. Read on for some of these red flags to keep an eye out for.
Non-Working Switches And Outlets
Check the switches and outlets around the home to see if they are working. Sometimes it can be a light-bulb that is bad or it could be an outlet that runs with a switch, but it could be something else. Make sure these work and there isn't some other type of electrical problem in the home. You can use a multimeter to check outlets around the home and check to see if switches nearby that run the outlet. Change the light-bulb to see if the switch works properly. Also be sure to check that the fuse is not blown in the home.
Blown Fuses
If you have blown fuses there may be too many amps being drawn from one circuit or you could have an electrical short in the wiring of the circuit. This is a repair that needs to be done by a professional electrician. The homeowner may have added too many electrical devices to one circuit, or DIY electrical wiring could be to blame. If you are checking the electrical components in the home and find that a fuse is blowing, you may want to have the wiring looked over in the home before buying that home.
Flickering Lights
Lights that flicker could be a blown bulb, but if even after changing the bulb you notice the flickering it could be an electrical short in the wiring. An appliance nearby may also be causing your lights to flicker as it is pulling too much amperage. An electrician can up your amperage service, but this should be left to a professional.
There are a number of red flags to watch for when shopping around for a new home, but if you spot a lot of problems with the electrical components of the home, you may be in need of an electrician right away to make necessary repairs. Watch for these red flags and talk to an electrical service about making any and all electrical repairs for you.