4 Tips To Get Your Home Ready For Holiday Lights With Updated Electrical Wiring
Soon, the holidays are going to be here, and you are getting boxes of lights ready for inside and outside of your home. It may be a great time to update the electrical systems inside and outside to make installing lights safer for the holidays and for the rest of the years. If you need to use extension cords for holiday decoration and other uses, it is likely that you need to update the outlets and electrical service. Here are some tips to get your home ready for those holiday lights with updated electrical wiring and improved service.
1. Exterior Wiring and Outlets for Lighting and Landscaping Decoration
Today, there are many different needs for the electrical wiring outdoors, such as outdoor living space, landscape lighting, and decorations. You can talk with your electrical contractor about installing conduit and outlets to meet your needs for things like holiday lighting and other uses in your landscaping. Talk to them about the different options for outdoor electrical outlets and boxes to meet your needs.
2. Expanding Electrical Service With The Installation of a New Main Panel
If your home does not have enough outlets and electrical outlets to meet your needs, then upgrading your electrical panel is a good option. Talk with your electrical contractor about installing a panel that includes circuits that are dedicated for holiday lighting and other needs. It is also a good idea to install a panel that has room for future expansion in case you want to install outlets, lighting, or other electrical installations.
3. Subpanels for Landscaping, Holiday Lighting, and Secondary Electrical Systems
Subpanels are a great solution for your home where there are secondary electrical wiring systems, such as in a finished basement, shop, or garage. A subpanel can also be installed for the outdoor wiring of landscaping. If you do elaborate decorations and lighting for the holidays, talk with your electrician about installing a subpanel that can also be used for lighting during the holidays.
4. Updating Outlets and Wiring for Interior Decoration and Everyday Uses
Interior electrical wiring may also need to be updated before you start decorating for the holidays. If you use extension cords because there are not enough outlets in your home for everyday electric devices, appliances or holiday lighting, then you probably need to have outlets added. When installing outlets, talk with the electrician about GCFI outlets and built-in surge protection for electronics like TVs and computer equipment, as well as for areas where you connect holiday lighting.
These are some tips to help update your home's electrical service and wiring to make holiday lighting and decoration safer. While the holidays are a time of year when lighting can make old electrical systems more dangerous, updating service is important to stay safe all year. Contact an electrical panel service like Cole Electric Inc for help with these improvements to meet the electrical needs of your home.